Our Week In Photos.

Monday, May 7, 2018

We had a good and busy week last week! Here is what I got in photos.

Last night I made some banana chocolate chip muffins with my favorite recipe for Bryan to take to work this morning.

We also finished the Dallas Cowboys season of All or Nothing. It was really interesting! Bryan gets to see Jason Whitten speak in Midland tomorrow night so this made him even more excited.

Yesterday we went to church and then went to lunch at my in-laws which is always a treat. It was warm enough to swim (!) so Bryan and the boys stayed and did that while I went and up groceries and then maybe took a nap. ;)

Lily Mae had her first Sunday lunch at the big kid table! Aaaand ate nothing.... so she will probably go back to the high chair for a bit. ;)

I got her dress on clearance at Dillard's last summer and today was her first day to wear it. I can't get enough smocked dresses on little girls!

Lily, aka Queen of Cradle Roll (according to the cradle roll teachers).

I also gave Parker a haircut last week and it was a bit traumatic because our clippers are terrible. I of course already knew this because I give Bryan haircuts but he tends to just deal with it--Parker not so much. (This experience resulted in a quick trip to Target this morning to buy some better quality clippers!) It still turned out pretty good though. What a dapper dude.

Woman on a Mission.

On Saturday, we had a birthday party for one of Parker's friends (Nerf Gun Wars!!) and then a baseball game (which they lost, wah-wah), neither of which I have pictures of. ;) The boys got to go to Grammy's house for the afternoon and I cleaned and organized which eventually led me into this mess...

Oh man it was awful!! If you can't tell, that's ALLLLLL our keepsakes. I have been putting off organizing this for like 2 years (no seriously) but I FINALLY DID IT. It took all night and two movies (Guardians of the Galaxy and The Imitation Game), but I am very happy to report that everything is now in five tidy and labeled bins that are neatly under the spare bed. It was sweet to go through all our memories and all the kid's baby stuff, but I'd rather not have to do it again anytime soon. ;)

On Friday, we went to a birthday party for my sweet friend, Tara. Tara goes to church with us and we have just become friends in the last year. She is one of my new favorites! Here are all the "Dove Group" girls (aka my bible study group that is SO much more than that--they are some of my closest friends!) 

(I'm also growing out my bangs. Bare with me as I attempt to figure out a suitable no-bang hairstyle. I feel like I'm missing my arm!)

All these baby buddies are my favorites! I'm not kidding, I think like 12 babies have been born within this group in the last 2 years. It's awesome. I know we will cherish these memories when they are all grown up!

Parker had a game on Friday night as well, so he and Bryan had to miss most of the party. This Little League schedule is no joke! Hayes is chomping at the bit to play next year, so I'm sure my level of insanity will only increase. (Yaaaayyy.)

The rest of the week was spent doing pretty normal things. We went to school, went to church, I had lunch with Tara, and we Face-timed with Nanny and Pawpaw (among many other things that I'm forgetting, I'm quite sure!)

OH! And I cleaned out my closet and sold it on Trading Up, which if you know anything about that than you know that it is QUITE the chore. Blah. But it's done! So many grown up things this week! When did I get so responsible?

We also.....

Played with Play-Doh...

Played outside.....#chalkislife...

Carried our "kids" (stuffed animals) everywhere....

Played with Buzz Lightyear and looked adorable....

Made robots with kinetic foam that Parker got for his birthday....(I learned that I much prefer this to Play-Doh!)

Thanks to his friend, Malcolm!

Played Candyland...

And Lily tried her hand at being a cowgirl (I think she's more of a city chick;).

Hayes has been saying hilarious things lately. One day last week he kept saying "Mooooom, I'm so BORING". He also calls everything "beautiful" and it's literally the best. Bryan was pouring him a glass of tea the other night before dinner and Hayes watched in much awe and anticipation and then sighed and said, "Ahhhh, BEAUTIFUL." It was cute. Bryan and I about died laughing. 

Kids are so fun! (usually!)

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