Last Days of Our Colorado Trip! (And Christmas Goodies.)

Friday, December 7, 2018

Wow! It's Friday! Time flies when you're busy and it's Christmastime. Thought I would get my last Thanksgiving Break post in here before I get too far away and forget what I'm talking about, ha!

I believe I left off on Black Friday, which is otherwise known as the official no-guilt-first-day-of-Christmas-season-Friday! I went to Park Meadows early in the morning (one of my great loves in life) and came back to my parents to find these cutie kids making a gingerbread house. (A ghetto gingerbread house being held together by fancy black string.) Haysie worked on that thing silently for over an HOUR it was so funny.

I died laughing when one of my friends texted this over. If you don't know the Enneagram, you probably should. (I'm a "1" (SHOCKING), and have a "4" and a "7" wing, in case you were wondering. I'm either super fun or really emotional and want everything to be perfect either way. So, I'm basically crazy.)

Spot on!

On Friday night, we went to South Glenn in Littleton to eat pizza, enjoy the lights, and see the new Grinch movie and had the best little time! We saw several ice sculptures including Mr. Grinch himself (that none of my kids wanted to be photographed will see a theme here)....

There were quite a few characters walking the streets. I liked this snowflake and her willingness to stand and pose while strangers took pictures. 

We ate at Parry's which was very, very good (yes, even Julie's cream cheese-dolloped pizza!)

The following photos are SUPER awesome (and the people in them will probably be mad at me) but they're all I've got so we're going with it!

Jeremy is the only one who smiles for my photos.

After dinner we walked around the little square which was all lit up and blasting Christmas music and it made me so happy. Man I was made to be a nerdy Mom at Christmastime.

We danced and watched the ice skaters....

Listened to the that a word? (I love carolers!)

And Hayes finally smiled for a photo!! (While refusing to wear his coat!)

Lily LOVED all my kisses....

And was not sure what to think of Elsa---lots of stares and "no" head shakes, ha!

Lily was, however, very enthralled with the "dance troupe" that performed to (what else) "All I Want For Christmas Is You)".

We finally hauled all those kids into the theater to enjoy The Grinch which I would like to confirm is super cute! We made it through scream-free, tear-free, and nap-free, which is actually very surprising.

It was a great evening and a perfect way to start off the season!! 

On Saturday before we left, my Mom took the kids to yet another park (we are park enthusiasts in this family) and they had a blast and got nice and tuckered out before our late-night road trip back to Texas.

So thankful to my parents for putting up with our crazy family, and for giving me a Bryan and very appreciated break when we come and visit! It was a great, great week.

More videos from our week on YouTube!


In other news, I have been very busy playing Christmas Elf and getting our home and tree and gifts and food ready for Christmas. I'm an exhausted Christmas Elf. But it's okay! (Usually!)

I have a bad habit of screen-shotting all the good ideas I see.  This homemade peanut brittle gift is for Valentine's but wouldn't it be adorable on a cute Christmas cookie sheet with some pretty red ribbon?

Tucking that one away!

I think I might actually be doing this one for our neighbor gifts this year. Maybe. There is just something about a kraft pastry box that makes all baked goods 1000% more sweet. 

(Search her Instagram if you want the recipe--it looks surprisingly easy and I'm excited to try it!!)

And last share of the day.....THIS MAGIC.

Hi, my name is Katy and I have a nerdy obsession with The Rockettes. Netflix used to have this version of the Christmas Spectacular that was free to stream but they took it off this year (HOW dare they?!), so I just HAD to order it (thanks, Amazon.) If you want something easy to watch while you're baking of wrapping presents, look no further! 

I hear Parker very "aggressively" saying "FOCUS, Hayes!", so I should probably go and be a parent!

More later! Happy weekend!

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