What's Going On

Monday, January 11, 2021

Alright, 2021 is my year to regularly start documenting our family's life. I'm determined!

If you read this, I'm going to do my to post on here M/W/F. 

Unfortunately for this goal though, January is a pretty dry time as far as photos and general busy-ness goes around here, so I don't have a ton to share.

Here's what I've got:

Cheesy photos of a crazy Graham and Lily.

And Graham using his newly found skill of climbing the stairs. This child is such a mess. He makes me laugh all day long. Except for when he is screaming over his oatmeal being all gone.

Graham has also been pulling up on everything in the last couple of days and is so dang proud of himself. (He's also teetering on the line of over-confidence and has taken a few tumbles much to his dismay and bewilderment.) We're about to have a walker here pretty soon! 

I also have been trying to clean and organize a few things including but not limited to my jewelry draw and our pantry. 


Much better. 

Going back in time a bit more---we enjoyed New Year's Eve with my parents at Uncle Julio's and made a last minute "Happy Birthday 2021" cake to celebrate "midnight" with the kids. 

My Mom and I went to the Dillard's New Year's Day sale and got some of the cutest things for mostly Graham and Lily (plus a few athletic things for the big boys) and we met up with everyone at Norma's in Frisco (selected purely because they had black eyed peas and Lord knows we all need some extra luck after this last year). It was SO good and Parker even managed to nonchalantly pull out a tooth while we were there. I'm happy to say that the tooth fairy DID remember to run by the house sooner rather than later this time! 

Seeing Nonnie and Pops was a fun way to end Christmas break. We also loved our trip to Lubbock! I'll do a quick recap on that next time. 
