Friday Favorites and 2018 Goals!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

I don't have many Friday Favorites other than that:

1. Today is Bryan's 31st birthday!! Happy Birthday to our favorite Dad and Husband, and to you, Bryan: It is absolutely crazy all that we have done and all that you have accomplished this last year and I cannot wait to see what this new one holds for you. We love you and cannot wait to celebrate you today with apple pie and presents!

2. My Christmas is still up. Actually that is not a favorite. I am getting tired and feeling weird with having it up but I don't want to deal with the mess! I cannot do it. 

3. I am about to watch the Christmas Special of Call the Midwife which has literally become one of FAVORITE shows of all time. I'm pretty sure the characters are real people and that we are best friends and that in another life I was a midwife. (Although I still miss Jenny Lee!)

4.  We have MOPS this morning. So that makes me happy. 

5. AND, tomorrow Bryan and I are going to....

PUNTA CANA!!!!! I can't believe it! We haven't been on a vacation together since our honeymoon and I am so out of gas and need some beach time, sleep time, and quiet time. I am kind of freaking out about leaving my babies for a week so please say a prayer for me and them! Bryan's parents are so good to us and have offered to keep the kids all 6 days (after a week at Disney with their other grandkids, too!) They will be good and tired. ;)


In Part II of this post I wanted to do the link up with Shay and Erika and write all about my New Year's Resolutions.

Mine are usually the same every year which shows how great I am at meeting goals. (HA.) I think I get better at my goals each year though, so that's a start. One of resolutions since I was like 13 has been to stop biting my nails and I finally accomplished that this last year so I feel like a real adult now! And I cannot go more than a few weeks without my dip is a treat.

Last year, I also did a "theme word" and I chose "laugh". I really wanted to focus on making every day fun for my kids, making celebrations a regular thing, and going out and getting fun experiences under our belts. I have to say, we've always been pretty good at getting out and doing things, but I think that in 2017 we really started some new traditions and exhausted ourselves with the amount of fun activities that were packed in. I hope to carry that into this year as well. 

My word this year is "them". I've noticed in the past that a lot of what I want to do during the day is really only for "I need to get the laundry done, I need to get my nails done, I need to run these errands, I need to do this things MOPS", etc. It's all very selfish and I'm kind of over it. I'm not really nurturing by nature, but I do LOVE my family and want them to know it, so my goal this year is to replace "I" with "them" more often than I have in the past. 

And here are a few of my other goals:

1. Have a regular daily wake up time. 
2. Send cards and notes of encouragement randomly.
3. Call family members more often.
4. Sponsor a local child or a compassion child.
5. Do RAK days (random acts of kindness, one of good friends does this with her boys and they love it!)
7. Grow my hair out. 
8. Read the entire bible through....I always have this goal but usually end up hopping around because I go in and out throughout the year.
9. Remember to play music in our home at all times! I want our children's memories of home to be filled with good music. 
10. Start reading chapter books with Parker and maybe Hayes. I bought the Magic Treehouse series (? It has great reviews!) and am excited to start.

That's about it!

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