We've had a pretty low key first few weeks of summer around here. Last week me and the kids went to Grammy and Bee's to swim and eat popsicles.
Parker has gotten so good at diving to get the weighted pool toys. Hayes has remained excellent in his ability to yell "Kalabunga!" while running and jumping into the pool. It's super cute!
On Wednesday night we took the kids to J's Creamery after church to enjoy some free ice cream! The weather was perfect and it was so nice to sit and relax.
Lily was really good at eating everyone else's ice cream other than her own and in true Lily fashion suckered her Dad into letting her down his whole milkshake.
I'm slowly adjusting to my house being in a constant state of disaster (thanks, summer) and am NOT doing so well with it, but it is what it is I suppose. My friend Amy who is the baby whisperer has mercifully agreed to come over and watch my kids once a week for a few hours so that I can run some errands. Good for the soul, I tell you! Last week I got my nails AND lashes re-done. I'm basically feeling like a celebrity.
Lily Mae also found and applied her first tube of lipstick! It was so fun (I'm kidding.)
Good thing she is cute!
We had a movie night with popcorn after a very busy Sunday afternoon of sweet baby showers and showed the kids "The Incredibles" for the first time. We are excited for the second movie to come out!
The big event this week has been VBS! I have a deep love for VBS, and our church does an exceptional job with it every year. This year the theme was "May the faith be with you" and the boys were so excited to go every day. I volunteered in the craft room so Lily got to go hang out with the big kids as well which she of course loved because she thinks she's a big kid, too.
Parker was in the other craft room but I snuck in to grab a photo of him on Monday. We were making Galaxy bottles on this particular day, complete with baby oil, food coloring, and glitter. For 300 kids. It was messy! But it was fun.
We snuck in another swim night at Grammy and Bee's because what is summer without swimming and popsicles?
I took the kids to Chick-fil-a (or as Parker say, "Chick-fick-le") after VBS on Tuesday and let Lily run the show in the play place. She has basically been dreaming of this day since she could sit up so she was obviously very excited to go down the big girl slide! She totally owned it, ha.
Tonight we went to our church's VBS finale which was complete with water slides and water guns and popsicles and a dunking booth.
(The only photo I got of Lily before she inhaled that bomb pop.)
After we got home I wrangled the boys down with an episode of American Ninja Warrior (their favorite) and promises of Starbursts to gave them both haircuts. It was only mildly traumatic so I'm calling it a win, mostly because they look so CUTE with fresh haircuts!
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