Our precious baby girl turned a whole two-years-old on September 29th and right now seems the perfect opportunity to share! We had a fun, family-filled weekend with all of our girlfriend's favorite things, namely---food, family, toys, chocolate, and Chick-fil-a!
On Friday night, (her birthday eve) we met Aunt Abby who was in town for work (super lucky timing) along with Grammie and Bee (Bryan's parents) for dinner at Uncle Julio's (which was de-licious).
You know who's also de-licious? This baby girl right here.
It was a fun evening complete with queso, tamales, AND a chocolate piñata! I think it's safe to say we were all hating ourselves as we waddled out of the restaurant. ;)
We got home and I finished up my party prep--mostly decorating cupcakes, hanging a birthday banner, setting out gifts, and admiring my very own DIY piñata--Y'ALL I am so proud of this thing! Unfortunately it seems the only crafts I like to make are the kind that get thrown away immediately or destroyed by 4-year-olds but hey it is what it is, right?
On Saturday morning we woke up to find that our Lily Mae had turned two overnight! How dare she! We got her one of those kiddy plastic roller coasters which she was so excited over she was practically shaking but of course I have no photographed evidence of this cuteness.
We had breakfast and hung around the house for a bit (mostly because it was pouring down rain) and then Bryan and Bee took the boys to a friend's birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese (it was a HIT and I was thankful for a bit of quiet and alone time with my girl!)
My Mom and my Aunt Cindy met me, Judy, and Lily at Chick-fil-a where Lily was, of course, and much to her delight, the center of attention.
Then we went home, put the birthday girl down for a nap and began our party prep for her "Two Sweet" birthday dinner.
(As you can see, Chuck-E-Cheese was obviously very exhausting for the boys...BAHAHA.) I LOVE YOU, BRYAN. YOU'RE STILL SO HANDSOME EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE SECRET NAP PHOTOS TAKEN OF YOU.
I win at taking the same photograph from 75 different angles. ;)
Lilybug LOVES her grandmas!
We had a taco bar for dinner and then cupcakes and an ice cream sundae bar for dessert. I TRIED to keep things simple, but of course, I am kind of horrible at that.
Everything turned out perfectly with the help of the grandma's and aunt in the kitchen! I wish I could keep them here with me every day--then this mom thing would be a piece of cake, wouldn't it?
The piñata's minutes were numbered so it of course had to be the centerpiece of the table.
My cupcake frosting kind of sunk/melted but they still looked pretty cute!
Naps, football, and the anxious anticipation of tacos.
Our precious Lily Mae!
After dinner we opened presents. Lily is really starting to understand how fun toys are (although I'm not sure if that's good or bad) so she had a lot of fun with her new stash of girl stuff. Pink is about to throw up in my house guys, and I am HERE for it.
Multi-tasking like a boss.
I wrangled her into her first PRINCESS COSTUME (I was way more excited than she was, can you tell?) and then she took a ride in her new baby doll stroller.
Then, the time had come...the time to kill the piñata. Parker seemed overly excited. Probably letting out some repressed anger towards me since he watched me work on it all week. (I'm only kind of kidding?)
The little princess taking her goodies. (And Hayes the candy hoarder.)
It was such a fun day. We cleaned up (alright, the grandmas and aunt cleaned up), put our baby two-year-old to bed, and then fell into our own beds completely exhausted.
Bryan and I are unbelievably thankful for the gift that is Lillian Mae Roberts. God sure did know what He was doing when He made her. She is hilarious, smart, beautiful, curious, caring, brave, adventurous, compassionate, mischievous (in the cutest ways), and the absolute perfect addition to our family. I cannot wait to see how God uses these little gifts I already see in her as she grows up. What a blessing it is to have children and to be able to celebrate them growing older! We love you, Lilybug!