All Fall, All The Time.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The weather in Texas FINALLY seems to be cooperating (a little), and we've had some beautiful, crisp weather this last week! The kiddos and I have been outside pretty much every day taking it in.

Lily has been very into her babies lately--making sure they are tucked in a certain way, asking them "You okay?", feeding them all of her food (this ends badly at times), etc. I caught this little moment a few days ago and thought OF COURSE the rest of the world needs to the opportunity to enjoy this cuteness.

I bought some plastic Christmas plates last year to use for all the kids meals and they LOVED them, so I was very happy when I saw some cute Halloween plates at Homegoods a few weeks ago--they were obviously destined for our dinner table. And Hayes? I actually took this photo of Hayes because I was SO PROUD that he cleaned his plate and was talking it up big time (you know, to make him feel all important, of course!)....and this is the look I got in return. I'm really awesome at this parenting thing, obviously.

Another outfit! (With my hat!) I wore this on Friday for Parker's pep rally at school and to the Harvest Hoedown later on that night. (ALSO: elementary school pep rallies may be my new favorite thing.)

It was "Sports Day" which is why the principal is sporting a Romo jersey, and there was also line dancing, so ya know...#texasforever. 

I literally managed ONE photo of the boys playing games during the Harvest Hoedown (mostly because I was on Cake Walk duty) but unfortunately Hayes's cute little booty was hanging out (HA) so I am omitting that photo for this post-hoedown-sigar-highed-Lily goodness.

On Saturday, the weather was again beautiful (a little warm, but not humid!), and we ventured out to the Fall Carnival at Hayes and Lily's KDO church. 

I know I'm officially old because all I said on the drive over was "KIDS, look at the fall colors on the trees!"

My (younger) sisters are busy going to Coachella and I'm taking approximately 40 blurry photos of the fall foliage in my mini-van. (Don't tell them but I wouldn't trade any of of my mom nerdy-ness for Coachella.)

We have a policeman and a blinking Bumblebee! (and FALL COLORS in the background, hahahaha.)

Moana was quite the animal whisperer. (Once again: Do we need a farm? I think yes.)


The boys played lots of games and rode a bouncy slide maybe 80 times. 

We were tired and sugared up but having a lot fun. 

After the carnival we took a trip to Spring Creek for some BBQ and ROLLS. 

After we got home, Bryan (bless hime) took the kids and I made my very first trip to ALDI! I was super impressed with how cheap everything was, although the jury is still out on whether it's all as good as my usual name brands...if anyone reading this blog has Aldi do/don't buy tips, give 'em to me! I made Santa Fe Soup tonight and was not a fan of the $.20 taco seasoning which made me a little sad. I still remain hopeful, though!

Moving on....I'm really loving the Halloween decorations in the boys room (although it would appear that my Trick-or-Treat banner and garland are disappearing....spooooky.) 

I'll be sad to take them down in a few days!

OH, also: I don't know if I've mentioned this, but we have recently acquired two goldfish thanks to a certain sucker Dad who really likes to make his kids' days. ;) Their names are Piston and Goldie (okay, that's cute), and they are very dirty, their food smells gross, AND LAST NIGHT Hayes spilled the entire tank on the carpet. Yes. 

I'll let you process that.

It was super (not) fun. Anyways! Looking at the photos of their bedroom reminded me of that. Many beach towels and a hair dryer were involved in the clean-up. Piston and Goldie seemed a bit annoyed but were otherwise unscathed.

In case I don't have enough cute in this post, here is a video of Lily playing hide and seek (her new favorite). You are welcome!

Giving all the thanks to this man right here for getting me through this busy time of year! We are so tired!

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