Park Points

Monday, October 22, 2018

Parker had the day off from school today so we packed lunch (quite the assortment of snacks, I must say) and headed to a new (to us) park in Allen. What a treat we were in for! 

"Green Park" also earned "Coolest Park EVER" from Parker which is saying something. It was built to look like a fire station and a police station and all three kids were in heaven--plus the weather was perfect. We even got to wear JACKETS! (Can you tell I'm over that 100 degree heat?) 

The park shared a green space with one of the fire stations and after an emergency trip to use their restroom (with Hayes bouncing out of the slide yelling, "I HAVE TO POOP!"), they happily granted our request to tour all of the fire engines in the super-sized garage.

This is Fireman Mark, and he was very kind. I hope is okay with being the star of today's blog post.

The Lilybug was as usual all into keeping up with her brothers which I think Fireman Mark got a kick out of. 

He was also kind enough to show Parker EVERY nook and cranny of each fire truck, including a description of all the tools and their uses. (We saw "the jaws of life" and it freaked me out to see it in person!) This was the most excited I've ever seen Parker for a tour of anything. It was super cute. (And earned me major Mom Points, I believe.)

Lily and her new BFF, Fireman Mark.

We are so thankful for the firefighters who keep us safe and for some really pretty parks where we live. And for this amazing weather! 

If you have read this and feel that I'm trying to be that perfect, show-off mom, I just need to bring this back to reality right now and tell you that after we got in the car (and post-tantrum) Hayes proceeded to tell me, "Mommy, I don't like to look at your face!" there's that. Age four is so far no different than age three in the emotional department. (Although I'm getting much better at not taking it personally!)

Afterwards we went Parker's parent-teacher conference (with a very GREAT report, go Parker!) and then came home to watch Monster's University. Parker had two helpings of dinner and I really do believe we are entering "big boy eating phase" where I'm not able to keep up with the amount of food he consumes! He also had a PB&J before bed. 

What else? I caught up on Poldark tonight and what can I say other's SO GOOD. I am getting repetitive but I can not tell you how much I love it.

I am in bed and as Hayes would say, I am "POOPED". Good night!

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