One Last Halloween Post (Sorry): Hayes Turns Four!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

I just got back from the most perfect girls weekend with some of my best friends from Lubbock. We headed down to Fredericksburg to enjoy the beautiful Texas hill country, eat some good food, do lots of shopping, and enjoy each others' company! These girls are some of my very favorites--they are very real, very encouraging, AND absolutely very hilarious (which is an important friend trait in my book)....they also make me miss Lubbock very much! 

I will blog about that trip later this week, but for right now, I wanted to go back in time a few weeks to share Hayes' Halloween themed birthday dinner. If you are over Halloween, my apologies!

Hayes is obsessed with Halloween and talks about it all year long, so it's very convenient that he is an October baby and can ask for a "Halloween" themed birthday dinner. He wanted everything "super spooky" so I pulled out every pieces of Halloween decor I had and went to town decorating.

We love this little boy! HOW IS HE FOUR?

My Mom, Dad, and sister were in town for the festivities and were wrangled into helping--Julie jokes that she can't come to my kids birthdays because she always gets all the grunt work. (Okay, it's actually not a joke! Muah-ha! Payback for stealing my clothes when we were growing up.)

We watched "The Nightmare Before Christmas" (because remember, I am a really great Mom) and hung around inside because, as usual, it was raining outside! (And Hayes evidently spent some time on Nonnie's iPad.)

Thanks to my brilliant mother-in-law for suggesting we freeze half of the cupcakes we made for Lily's birthday to use for Hayes' birthday! You are a genius. And good at making cupcakes.

I used the lights I had purchased to use outside on our patio for Halloween and we played "spooky" music (these were really the only decorations Hayes was excited about).

We had chill dogs and french fries for supper because the only thing Hayes loves as much as Halloween is a good hot dog.

Unfortunately, Parker Reed was sick and slept through most of the evening! Poor guy.

Hayes was loaded up on gifts with his favorite being, "Greedy Granny"--a very strange game where you steal cookies from a sleeping granny until she wakes up and spits out her teeth. I know, so weird. Hayes obsessively talked about it for weeks though and has since requested "ALLLLL the games" for Christmas. I laugh every time I think about how much this kid loves really random games.

He also got a scooter, which has actually become the hot commodity to play with (or fight over, if Parker is around) when we go outside.

So there's that!

And because I can't end a birthday post without a personal note to the birthday boy (you know, for him to read in 20 years)....

Hayes, you are SO LOVED and are such a delight to our family. You are smart, funny, brave, persistent, tender, compassionate, rough-and-tumble, and so very thoughtful. You are my snuggle bug, have my favorite kissy lips, and have the most mischievous (sweet) grin. I love to watch the way you laugh so big and so freely as you run around doing your thing--I hope that never changes! We love you to the moon!

More videos of Hayes' birthday on YouTube!

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