Parker Reed

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Last night I had to run some errands before everything closed so I missed bedtime. Parker was still awake when I got home so we sat on stairs to talk for a bit. 

Usually when this happens, I sit and listen to him tell me (very thorough) stories about Tranformers or LEGO cities or the Polar Express, but he said he said he couldn’t think of anything so he started asking questions like, “what kid of house did you live in when you were five and where is Arkansas and what kind of car did you have and will there still be little kids in our family when I grow up?”

I answered everything and to the last question I told him yes, hopefully, and they will probably belong to him and Hayes and Lily.

“But how will I get the kids?”

I said that he would grow up and find a girl who he would marry and she would have babies and be the mommy and he would be the daddy. 

“But who is she?!”

I told him I didn’t know but he would meet her when he was older. He is apparently holding out for his cousin Hensley because he told me then that he was old enough for Hensley right now. I had to laugh at that and told him that he wouldn’t marry Hensley (which he frowned at) but he would marry someone else. 

“But I don’t know her!” 

I told him that I don’t know her yet either but God knows her and has her all picked out just for Parker and that we can pray for her in the meantime.

He seemed satisfied (or bored) with the conversation by then so we moved on to what I would be doing before I went to bed. I told him I’d most likely watch tv to which he replied that he couldn’t WAIT to be a grown up so he could stay up and watch Transformers. I laughed and said that he could do that all he wanted but his wife may want to watch something else from time to time. ;)

Also, Hayes filled one of my boots full of pretzels and a whole that was a fun little find!

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