The Chrome Mixer and Geico

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

I’m thinking this may have been a bad week to start my blogging resolution as we are pretty boring around these parts. I am having a major Christmas/travel hangover and we have been in our pajamas the last two days. Actually I take that back. I have been in my pajamas the last two days. Bryan was Saint Dad yesterday and took the kids to the Science Spectrum and then to play at McDonald’s (these are literally my children’s favorite indoor activities...we live a wild life). This was all a favor to me for some time to clean and unpack, which I did not do. šŸ˜¬ 

Instead, I framed our family photos (I really want to take photos of our little rental...I actually enjoy it a lot!) 

And  I made a new cookie recipe (the Charmina cookies on The Modern Honey blog) with my new “CHROME” mixer. 

I was shocked to open this and then even more shocked to find that “Caribbean Blue” was indeed labeled on the giant box. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼‍♀️ Me no good at reading item descriptions on boxes. It’s the brightest blue I have ever seen in my life but it makes some GOOD cookies and was fun to use so I don’t mind.

Lilybug enjoyed them with a side of kisses. 

I also made the salsa verde pork tacos for dinner from my freezer meal party with MOPS and they were delicious! Definitely a new favorite.

-1.5 lb pork loin 
-1 jar salsa verde
-1 T cumin
-1 t onion powder (You could use 1/2 chopped onion but Bryan hates onions so I always omit that.)

Combine in crockpot and cook on low for 8 hours. Shred pork about an hour before serving. Serve with corn or flour street sized tortillas, cheese, tomatoes, avacado, Mexicorn, you name it! We bought a 3lb pork loin and cut it in half and then doubled the other ingredients to get two freezer meals out of it. 


I’m struggling this week. The house is still not unpacked and the laundry is just sitting...staring at me...taunting me. I pretty much just want to eat and sleep though so that’s fun! I’ll get it all done eventually and probably at 3am like any sane/normal person!

We have all been very distraught that Bryan didn’t put Christmas lights on our townhome this year (What a humbug). Bryan has defended this decision by saying that he couldn’t hang lights because we gave all of ours to another family who needed them (...Sooo Goodwill? Because thats where the lights went). Anyways, Parker was watching that Geico commercial with the guys hanging their Christmas lights with Bryan last week and after it was over, Parker looked over at Bryan and said, “Well, I think we need to switch to Geico so we can get more Christmas lights.” 

I just thought that was cute.

Also, P is quite the card shark when playing Go Fish and I kind of think it’s adorable. 

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