We had something every night last week and will continue to have something every night this week. May is crazy. But fun.
Last week:
Monday: Dove Group
Tuesday: Bryan went to Midland to see Jason Witten speak
Wednesday: Church
Thursday: Baseball game/Bryan went to the driving range
Friday: My parents were in town! Date night! (We saw the new Avengers movie!)
Saturday: Went out to Blue Sky with my parents and the kiddos! Such a fun night.
Lily has learned to take off her footie jammies so that is super fun. She also thinks it's super fun to go down the stairs on her own. (I beg to differ!)
We had the most beautiful weather last week (before it got hot as Hades over the weekend) so me and the littles spent a lot of time outside blowing bubbles, drawing with chalk, eating snacks, and killing ants. (Hayes is now traumatized and wants to protect all bugs from the bug-killer, Lily.)
I ate three cheeseburgers last week. They were all greasy and delicious. This is one of them. I mostly took this photo to document one of me and Parker's very last Tuesday lunch dates of the school year. I will miss them so much! He is such a sweet and easy little boy and a very patient errand runner.
Also, would I even BE a millennial if I didn't take a picture of my food? #ithinknot
Aaaaand snuck in a batch of my mother-in-laws chocolate chip cookies. Really winning at the healthy eating lately!
Parker had Field Day at school on Thursday and had a lot of fun, although I would be lying if I said I was there for all of it! Bryan went to the first part of the morning and I walked in as they were sitting down to eat lunch. They got snowcones from the snowcone truck and Parker has slept with his medal every night since. I think he was a fan of Field Day.
Parker also busted his lip open on Wednesday night from being too crazy sliding a blanket around on the floor. There was lots of blood and it was kind of scary but all teeth are in tact (although loose--he will look so different when he loses his top teeth and it makes me want to curl up and cry!). You can see a bit of the resulting fat upper lip. Poor bud!
Alright! I have more to blog but just realized that my photos from the rest of the week aren't uploaded to my computer yet and my phone is dead. More later!
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