Turkey Day Recap

Saturday, November 24, 2018

We are currently driving back to Texas after a very eventful and happy few days with my side of the family. The kids are asleep, Christmas music is (unashamedly) playing on the radio, and IT’S SNOWING and looks so pretty (but is kind of scary to drive in!) 

I thought I would pop in and share a few photos from Thanksgiving Day. Here we gooooo....

First off, it was an absolutely beautiful day! I’ve always loved that would can see the front range from my old bedroom window.

Lily Mae got in lots of snuggle time with I think everyone in the family, in gliding good old Pops!

We watched the parade (duh!) because I am a true traditionalist and cannot miss it.

Laura (or Julie as Hayes calls her because, as he sadly/sweetly admitted, he cannot say “Laura” and is  self conscious that is comes out “Rah-Rah”....I cant with that cuteness!)....anyways, Laura and the boys were playing on some LEGO computer game all morning. Parker LOVES that he has an aunt who will play with him!

We FaceTimed the Anthony side of the family and my mom might kill me for posting this picture. 

Lily continued her job and head snuggler and took a nap on her Dad.

I had fun scouring my Mom’s decor-overloaded basement to decorate the dining table. I fully support her decor-hoarding habits. ;)

I somehow got out of helping with pretty much all food prep this year. Doesn’t our feast look delicious and ready to enjoy?!

We enjoyed dinner with the whole family, including the boyfriends, which I just now realized meant that for the first time ever there were more boys than girls at a Thanksgiving meal at my parents house which is super weird and awesome.

I wrangled these guys in for a photo. Thanks Jeremy for your superb photography skills!

And the kids enjoyed some time outside scootering and running and working off the feast that they did not eat. ;) ;) ;) Ha! But seriously. 

My babies are crazy and cute and apparently make me laugh very hard!

The adults “worked off” there food by watching the Cowboys pull out a win which I guess makes them 1st in the NFC East which Bryan says just shows how bad the NFC East is. 

And then we left the grandparents to put the babies to bed (again! I felt kind of guilty) and drove out to the outlets to do one of FAVORITE traditions.....Black Friday (or Brown Thursday, as I hear it) shopping!!! I know Black Friday gets a bad rap, but y’all, I am always HERE for it. 

Bryan got some pants and I got this really cute leopard print dress at J. Crew and then spent and hour and a half trying to decide between two Kate Spade purses and didn’t end up getting either one of them! Sorry if my life. It was fun though. 

That’s all I’ve got. IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME!

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